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Meet Dex, the One-Man Show!

Get Gooei! is Proud to be Queer Owned and Operated~

GetGooei! is a one-person Indie operation with a small workspace in the US South that prides itself in the creation of unique handmade body-safe Adult Toys one the smaller end of the indie toy spectrum.


GetGooei! Is owned and operated by Dex (the previously stated 'We'), a Married Transmasculine individual. After finding that options on the smaller side (and options geared towards the trans community) were few and far between, GetGooei! was conceptualized to give suitable options for those with more petite needs.


Dex can be a little bit shy, but we are very happy to answer questions! Please send questions to our work email; We strive to get back with you within four working days (we are off on Saturday and Sunday).


Since all of the products are hand shaped, poured, and crafted at every step of the way by a single craftsman Get Gooei! focuses on small batches of premade products. Be sure to check the GetGooei! Twitter for news on batch drops!


Well Wishes to you and yours!


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